Friday, January 16, 2009

Disappointed in Kimberly Clark Room-a-Day Sweepstakes Rules

According to the rules, [...]Every online entry submission must be manually keystroked and manually entered by the individual entrant; automated and/or repetitive electronic submission of entries (including but not limited to entries made using any script, macro, bot or sweepstakes service) will be disqualified and transmissions from these or related e-mail or IP addresses may be blocked.[...]

It's the manually keystroked part that bothers me. For the normal person, no problem. But doesn't that seem like it might leave out people who have a hard time with a keyboard? I quite often have difficulty with keyboarding, comes from a "vascular event" that occurred in my brain. What about those who have difficulty seeing a screen? People rely on form fillers for a lot of different reasons. Doesn't it seem like they are actually trying to alienate the same people who buy their products?

For those who use the capabilities of their browser, Internet Explorer as an example, to remember their user name and password; if you were to go to the site and your browser fills in the fields you've just disqualified yourself.

I use RoboForm, sometimes for entering data on a form. As much as possible, I use it to enter user name and password fields. Personally, for online business and shopping, I shy away from sites where I cannot use RoboForm, especially for my user name and password. RoboForm is one of my means of protection in addition to be a handy form filler.

The instant win game is a disappointment as well. Instead of of quick 1-2-3 your done game, or better yet an option to skip the game and see if you are an instant winner, you have to match up the products, like concentration. You cannot advance to see if you're an instant winner until you have matched all of the products. It's like 10 or 12 products to match up.

That doesn't mean I won't enter the sweeps, the prize is too good. It just means I'm disappointed in the wording of their rules and the game. Doesn't leave a great impression of the company.

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